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The College has a Disability Committee. Students requesting disability accommodations for physical, psychiatric, learning disability, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should fill out the form below and click submit. Academic Services will complete the form and send the student appropriate forms for documenting her disability. Initial documentation of a disability must be provided at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which accommodations are requested or as soon thereafter as the student becomes aware that she has a disability. Students should return their documentation to Claudine Thomas, Associate Dean, Academic Services & Director of Institutional Research. All documentation must be provided to the Disability Committee on professional letterhead and contain the dates of assessment, signatures, titles and license/certification numbers of the diagnosing professionals, who must be trained and qualified professionals in the relevant fields. As a general rule, a note from a general practitioner may not be adequate. Because reasonable accommodations and services are based upon assessment of the current impact of the student’s disability, it is necessary to provide recent and appropriate documentation. In most cases, this means that a diagnostic evaluation must have been completed within the past 3 years for ADD/ADHD, and 5 years for all other disabilities. Documentation that exceeds the time limit may be considered if the previous assessment is applicable to the current or anticipated setting. Students who are submitting documentation for a disability should then follow up by contacting Claudine Thomas at the beginning of each semester to arrange for appropriate accommodations memos to be sent to their faculty. Claudine Thomas’ office is located on the first floor of Stahl Hall at the College.
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