* = required field

This notice constitutes a warning to the student that their performance to date is either a concern to the faculty, below average, or unacceptable. Students should consult their faculty immediately.

Student's Name *
Check All That Apply *
Program *
Faculty Name *
Date *

Attendance: Graduate candidates are expected to attend every scheduled class. Failure to attend one-third of the classes will result in an F for the course. If a student is absent for more than one-quarter of the scheduled classes, the instructor may fail the student.

Academic Probation: A graduate candidate will be placed on departmental probation if they receive a B- or less in required courses. A graduate candidate whose semester GPA is less than 3.0 will be placed on college-wide probation.

Please see additional information concerning academic policies in the Graduate Student Handbook.

To check if a student has withdrawn from your class, please look at your course’s Participant List in Moodle – Students who withdraw from your course will be marked as “suspended.” Information regarding academic policies is available in the Student Handbook, http://www.moore.edu/student_life/student_handbook