On Friday, April 12, 2019, the 2019 Honors Convocation recognized the remarkable accomplishments of students who excelled in their artistry and academics. The ceremony is held to acknowledge students who have achieved the Dean's List, and for the presentation of scholarship and fellowship awards.
"Those of you being honored have set a higher standard of excellence by being willing to reach a level of artistic and academic superiority," said Moore President Cecelia Fitzgibbon. "It is precisely this ambition that prepares you to do great things beyond the classroom and the studio as you enter the professional realm."
Illustration major Colleen Durant was named the 2019 valedictorian.
The Penny Fox Internship Fellowship Award 2019 was presented to Drashti Pandya, Jennifer Tran, Angela Palma, Emma Cortellessa and Shaylyn McComsey.
Leadership award winners were Madison Phillips, Tiffany & Co. Foundation Women’s Leadership Fellowship 2019; Drashti Pandya, Frieda Fehrenbacher Women's Leadership Fellowship 2019; Sarah Barden and Chianna Mac, Sis Grenald Women’s Leadership Fellowship Award 2019; and Deanna Emmons, Happy Fernandez Women’s Leadership Fellowship 2019.
Travel fellowship awards were presented to Stephanie Weinger, Sis Grenald International Travel Fellowship 2019; Ashley Monteiro, Harriet Sartain Travel Fellowship 2019; Deanna Emmons, Sarah Peter Travel Fellowship 2019; Jasmine Castañeda-Nava, Frieda Fehrenbacher International Travel Fellowship 2019; Sarah Barden and Chianna Mac, Juror’s Recognition Award 2019.
Leisl Klus was given the Miriam Troop ’38 Portrait Award 2019.
Scholarship awardees included: Brianna Hayes received the Fanny Brennan Scholarship for Excellence in Painting 2019. Jessica Shields was given the Harriet Glashofer Jolles Memorial Prize in Fine Arts 2019. Shaneika Hamilton and Shoalyn Brown received the Charming Shoppes Scholarship for 2019-2020 for Fashion Design; Teonna Thornton received the Catharine Finn Storey ’81 Memorial Scholarship for 2019-2020; Nina Bonaduce was given the Fashion Group International/Libby Haynes Hyman Scholarship 2019.
The 2019 Fred and Naomi Hazell Art Award was presented to Cassidy Argo, Sarah Swartz, Natalie Rozvadovsky and Stephanie Weinger.
Alissa Outwater won the Roosevelt Paper Calendar Competition.
First place winner of the YPTC Prototyping Competition is Judie Thai; Amanda Hutton is the second place winner.
Dean's List recipients 2019 included (SP = Spring 2018, FA = Fall 2018):
Animation & Game Arts: Erica Adamek SP FA; Sarah Barden SP; Manon Berger FA; Annais Delgado SP FA; Michaelah Flanigan SP; Leah Gonzalez FA; Laura Howard FA; Faith Hoysted SP; Justyne Kosinski SP FA; Christy LaRocco FA; Sarah Lombard SP; Melissa Malguy-Salamanca SP; Rachel McMasters SP; Jennifer Murray SP; Lauren Niedelman SP; Saryma Nieves-Joas FA; Michelle O’Brien SP FA; Fiona O’Sullivan SP FA; Erin Parks SP; Michaelah Flanigan SP; Erin Parks SP; Victoria Schoellhammer FA; Samantha Schraner FA; Emily Shaw FA; Cassandra Silverman SP FA; Savannah Snyder FA; Judie Thai SP FA; Jennifer Tran SP FA; Kellen Wardwell SP; Ariana Williams SP FA; Katherine Woods SP; Emily Zimmerman SP.
Art Education: Kendyl Boyd SP; Kayla Fox SP; Mckenzie Given FA; Heather Locke FA; Brianna Hayes SP FA; Madison Pollihan SP; Eleni Toto FA; Nina Valdera SP; Kayli Ziolkowski SP.
Art History: Ciara Coppersmith SP; Claire Komacek SP; Lucie Allen FA.
Curatorial Studies: Deanna Emmons SP; Shannon Ferrari FA; Chandler Israel SP FA; Katherine McElroy SP FA: Virginia Pollock SP.
Fashion Design: Jasmine Castaneda-Nava SP FA: Ashleen Castillo SP; Laura Gomez SP; Mandy McGarrigle SP FA; Marielle Nicoloro FA; Azha McIntosh SP; Drashti Pandya SP; Jasmine Schulte SP FA; Noelle Small SP FA; Ashley Skrypek FA: Seung Hyun Song SP FA: Hoi Tsang SP: Bayley Warner FA: Samantha Williams FA.
Fine Arts: Damary Beltran SP; Devon Bojtschewsky FA: Marissa Bonett SP; Alyson Cattlett FA; Hannah Emert FA; Takia Gibbs FA; Elizabeth Griffin SP FA; Josephine Grimes SP FA; Emma Herrmann SP: Laila Islam FA; Cassandra Kimbrough SP FA; Carolina Marin FA; Sarah Matheny SP; Sarah Montagnoli SP; Monica Newswanger SP; Amy Raudenbush SP FA; Marley Richardson SP; Alexandria Robinson SP; Katie Rosenberger FA; Eden Sakal FA; Jennifer Schneck SP FA: Jessica Shields SP FA: Jessica Silverman SP; Sarah Swartz SP; Sophia Tazelaar SP FA.
Graphic Design: Kalista Bracey SP FA: Natalie Cosentini FA: Christa Faas SP FA; Amanda Hutton SP: Sara Mizrachi SP; Alissa Outwater SP FA; Samarah Pagan SP; Grace Painter-Chapman SP; Frankie Patterson SP FA; Oxchzeanna Perez SP; Tyler Shea SP FA; Kathleen Shedaker SP; Olivia Stevens SP FA; Patricia Thompson SP FA.
Illustration: Cassidy Argo SP FA: Tai Baucom SP; Alexandra Bogdan FA; Chayla Bolden SP FA: Sarah Bush SP; Victoria Bussiere SP; Elizabeth Cano SP; Caitlin Carnes SP; Emma Cortellessa SP FA; Brianna Cronin FA; Jill Dougherty SP FA; Erin Dundore SP; Colleen Durant SP FA; Majestik Emery FA; Jeri Evans SP; Rachel Friel SP FA; Jennifer Fuentes SP; Sarah Grohol SP; Stephanie Guzman SP; Ashley Herman SP; Kristin Houtenville SP; Juliette Jakab FA; Liesl Klus FA; Kaila Jansen SP FA; Elizabeth Koval SP; Rebecca Krauss SP FA; Jordan Kressley SP FA; Katelyn Latshaw SP; Asa Littlefield SP FA; Colleen Loges FA; Jessica Lucidi SP: Chianna Mac FA; Grace Mertens SP FA; Sidney Mesa SP FA; Kaylie Minzola SP FA; Kateri Mooney SP FA; Sidney Moore SP; Jacquelin Moulder FA; Kaitlyn Newman SP FA; Caitlin O’Connell SP FA; Angela Palma SP FA; Rebecca Quinn FA; Rebecca Roberts FA; Ariana Runner FA; Maria Salazar FA; Brooklynn Seiple SP FA; Brittany Smith SP FA; Stephanie Weinger SP FA; Loren Williams FA; Gabrielle Wharton SP; Kaitlin Woodlen SP; Lauren Zachmann SP.
Interior Design: Hailey Dever SP; Chante Howard SP; Carmeen Hutchinson SP; Courtney Machamer SP; Grace Matteson SP; Adrianne O’Neal SP; Gabrielle Schreiber FA; Amity Tanner SP FA.
Photography & Digital Arts: Taylor Baldwin SP; Kenyssa Evans SP FA; Emily Frizzelle SP FA; Amelia Gish FA; Kelly Hare FA; Tanya Kapanzhi SP; Heidie Mojica Machuca SP; Amanda Neagle FA; Bria Sterling-Wilson FA; Margaret Warburton SP; Melissa Yates SP.