— by Aliyah Nelson, Director of Student Life, Diversity & Inclusion
Yellow text on a light blue background that reads: 2022 DEI Winter Institute Presented by the Diversity Committee Join us for an engaging day of discussions and workshops intended to help build a a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community at Moore

The 2022 DEI Winter Institute, hosted by the Diversity Committee at Moore College of Art & Design, was a space for students, staff and faculty to gather and participate in DEI-related workshops and trainings to help build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community at Moore. 

We kicked off the day with a “Noticing and Navigating Implicit Bias” workshop, led by Melanie Hunnicutt, Education Manager at the Mazzoni Center. To encourage LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing, we discussed the relationship between perception and bias in order to reduce biased thoughts, behaviors and actions. Members of the community were able to share their experiences, and learned more about the impact of implicit bias. 

After lunch, we dove into “The Power of Advocacy” discussion, facilitated by Melody Totten, chair and founder of the DEI Article Club at Moore. Community members were provided with a space to discuss strategies and tips for advocating for marginalized and underrepresented community members. We also were able to discuss the impact that members of our community can have on inclusion efforts at Moore. 

The day concluded with a “BIPOC Healing Group” led by Kevin Carter, Philadelphia-based social work clinician, educator and advocate. BIPOC community members and allies gathered to assess contextual factors, such as culture, race, power and social location, which impact our ability to grieve in our respective environments. Philadelphia resources were provided to help BIPOC community members navigate grief and racial trauma. 

Attendees who were unable to attend the 2022 DEI Winter Institute were provided with an online option to learn about the historical roots of oppression and make an individual commitment to social justice. This online training, titled “Justice at Work,” was led by Mia Henry, instructor and facilitator of Freedom Lifted. Community members making a new or renewed commitment to justice and equity were granted the support and funding to register for this training. 

Moore’s Diversity Committee looks forward to continuing to offer students, staff and faculty trainings and workshops related to diversity, equity and inclusion through our biannual DEI Summer and Winter Institutes.